Friday, November 27, 2009

babble, BBWBS, NewMoon....

hey yo!! waddup....

sori for de 'ABC'-style-greeting.. haha..
well, been 'busy' after de last paper dis sem had finished..
let's see if i can recall bc what we did:

19th nov (last paper finishing)
someone: hey, let's go eat curry wantan mee tonite (or rather, morning)..
everyone: GREAT!!

20th nov
teen, sarah, ST: WAKE UP!!!
me: hmmmmmmm............... nite.....
#draggin me out frm bed...#

OH SHOOT!!! the shop is CLOSED..!! not opening... n we came all de way.. haiz.....
(later on de followin day CK n ED tried it, according to them de service n attitude were bad.. hmm.. wonder it's luck or not we din get to try it..)
instead, we had indomee for supper..

hash brown @ McD!!! yum yum..!!
had some stupid n funny moments at SS2 McD, where everyone was so sleepy that we cant open our eyes... no, ... dat's only me.. haha..

SLEEP!! of coz... =P

21st nov
TIMESQUARE here we come!!!
unfortunately, my saddest day...
my wallet got STOLEN!! due to my stupidity.... haiz...
luckily i got my girls wif me.. they were great.. went to report with me...
wif my IDs gone, i gotta get new ones... dat means MALACCA here i come!!
~my pink purse....... i juz bought it like 3 months ago...... dang.. ~

22nd nov
reached mlk at around 8pm..

23rd nov
IC in de makin:
waited for like 2 hours, den when it's my turn, i sat there for 10 minutes (+photoshooting, superfast), n it's done... hmm... but cant get it coz it's after office hour d.. i gotta pay rm60.......................... that sucks... =(
license in progress:
now DIS i gotta compliment JPJ for makin de lines goin superfast... *clap clap*
got my no, sat down for about 5 min, went to the counter, after 5 min, ==> done....
but they charged me rm20.. hmm..

24th nov
took my IC.. totally satisfied with de pic.. haha...

atm card-ing:
gosh.. dis is like de worst scenario ever...
there're 5 counters there, dah lah not many counters, they juz opened 2 counters.. 2!
n u noe wat.. only one of them is movin.... haiz.......... speechless...

and then im back in college de next day.......

movin on,
started on 26th, ends on dunno when.. 2 weeks duration i think..
will explain more on my next blog about wat i get.. ( hopefully i wont be to lazy 2 do it)

haha.. went to watch it juz now...
every1's gettin reali hyped up about it.. and de web is goin crazy about it too.. actually am gettin sick of all the attention given to it.. i mean, it's not reali THAT great, is it...
but one thing is sure, confirmed: Edward Cullen, or Robert Pattinson is reali HOT!!!
but Kristen Stewart do need improve her acting skills though, it's actually gettin better,
compared to the 1st movie.. where she keeps on biting her lips on EVERY scene.. haha..
no offence, but it's somehow abit annoyin.. jia you for her then...
honestly, it's not bad.. kinda slow pace, de effects were quite awesome, jacob gettin man-
lier.. haha..
wanna try the books though, coz books are always better than the movies...

finished my babble.. wanna sleep now...
til the next blog about BBWBS then.. bye.... =)

Monday, November 9, 2009

another 16 hours...

another 16 hours 2 go... until my vector exam at 8.30am..
dreading it actually, reali hope dat i'll be able to pass.. juz a pass wil do.. haiz...

but for now.. sleep 1st coz i juz slept for 2 hours rite b4 de paper juz now at 11.30am..
my frens says dat im turning into a monster.. haha.. but i kinda agree.. i will if i stil dun change my dis weird habit..

huh..! come on, crystal see.. u'll be able 2 do dis.. another 10 more days to go!!

u guys must think dat, well, she must be studying hard during the last day b4 her paper..
haha.. u r SOOO wrong if u had dis thought..
coz i was busy playin game until 1am... haha.. slept in de afternoon n oso played piano in de morning... hehe..

well, i've finished another song, had this idea when i was tumbling in bed, cant sleep..
juz 2 share lar.. not something great oso..






GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, November 6, 2009


事实证明, 我, 是一个害怕面对现实的人。

证据: 明天考EE, 8.30am; 说真的, 我一点都还没动到, 而现在还在blogging。。

要不得的坏习惯, 该怎么改。。

这几天, 又发觉了自己另一个优点: 睡觉
昨天不舒服, 11.30pm 就睡了。 原本以为可以早点起来, 手机闹钟都调好了, 8am。。

我睡到 4pm 啊!!!!
加起来, 总共是 17 个小时!!

我厉害吗? 哈哈。。。

叹气很适合我。。 因为我总是做些自己后悔的事。。

十几年的考试, 还是一样的 last minute 。。
每一次考试后的决心, 到后来, 还是被抛在脑后了。。
看来, 该来个 new year resolution 了。。

算了。。 再看看能做些补救吗。。

最后, 让大家笑一下吧。。 嘻嘻。。
这女生 - 巴钰, 真的很可爱。。
enjoy..~~~ (^-^)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

new template!!!

dunno wat got into me n all of a sudden, after searching 4 de rite template that captures me most, den HUALA..! a new template n a new look!!

final is juz around de corner... and it's practically NEXT WEEK!!!
n now, im blogging about it instead of studying.... not to mention Youtubing as well... die................ ha...
guess some relaxing acts don't hurt rite... hehe.....
hopefully i'll be able to scrap through with my limited luck lar....

well, abt my new blog:
1) new menu tabs (u'll notice some yellow tiny notes juz below de header)
i'll upload some links which i think is interesting.. most of them may be YouTube links as i am a crazy YouTube fan.. haha... enjoy...

2) myTop5songs
dat'll be de recent songs im crazy-ing about or play-ing on and on in my player

3) myBooklist
books i've bought!! or mayb read... i'll provide the price n place where i bought it as well... hopefully someone who likes to read will find this useful... =)

well, guess dat's all frm me, for now.....
i'll try to update AOAP (as often as possible) lar.. hahaha...

in the meantime... peace out............................
n dun study too hard, coz i hvnt started yet... =P



Sunday, October 18, 2009

to be or not to be...

休息了整个周末, 前天就连续睡了14++个小时。。 真的觉得自己很厉害。。 哈哈。。
不过, 因为前几天为了赶功课所以不够睡。。 就当作是弥补吧。。 嘻嘻。。

不知不觉, 考试就快到了。。
太快了吧, 总觉得还没定下来, 就已经是一个sem完了。。
问问自己, 这段时间做了些什么, 自己的梦想还在吗。。
答案: 没做了什么, 梦想还在, 只是没有跨进而已。。

想要学吉他的, 却因为一些原因搞得一拖再拖。。 咳。。。。。
想练琴的, 却把忙和懒惰当作借口。。

读书更不用说了, 还是一样最后一分钟读。。

该改变了。。 不断重复告诉自己, 可是还是败给了贪玩。。
该改变了。。 不该继续幼稚下去, 可是这, 就是我。。

性格、 心情我都不能控制。。 真的能改变吗?

to be or not to be...
reali.. to be or not to be...

我还是我, 除了搞笑, 我已没什么优点了。。
仅仅留下的优点, 我选择保留了。。

你不会看见我再继续为你难过。。 我该想通了。。

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


been off the hook for a while now... getting a series of headache and blur-ness recently.....
mayb it's due to my late-sleep-ness these few days...
as if to add on my burden to torture me, i've got lots of assignments and got to worry whether got quiz onot every tuesday... =(

raya holidays over.......................
din reali noe wat i did the whole week.. went out wif my sis all day long... haha...
shopping, and also K-ing for 5 hours straight.. nice.... =P

gatherings were lame.. juz the few same ppl; oopsie, only ahben lar.. haha... but din reali did a grand one... haiz...
well, wat do i expect..? hotel buffet? haha..

alas, i din get to buy my guitar bag... haiz..... regret.... but i got my new swimsuit though.. =)

skipped class juz now, risking to skip quiz as well, me and shin thian went to the PTUM Opening Ceremony.. haha.. but it's worth it after all, as there were no quiz...... *clap clap*
this year they did a great job... sure there're mistakes here n there, but they were minor ones.. overall i give big thumbs up for them... same goes to the 'exhibition team', their objects n ideas are great...... we had fun inside it.. haha......

anyways, i reali gotta give myself a break, or at least my health a break... sleeping late is reali gettin into me.... die.........
i wan my harry potter 7th book here........... din finish it during holidays.....

juz to ask, but im not sure whether anyone will read my blog here:
do u guys has any great books to recommend? short of idea here... something light and funny would be great...... every suggestions are welcomed... thx ya...... ^-^

till we meet again..... (*0*)!!

原地不动, 是最好的办法吗?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

it's goin nowhere...

again, another realization...... frm a video on youtube...
very, very touching.......

it's not all about me, the center is not me, n im tired of myself juz saying 'me, me and me' all the time....
it's about people around you, the ones u care about, the ones that cares about u, those who are significant to u, those who are juz there for u, n those who need u to be there for them...

wat can i do, im stil de immature-self.. how i wish i can grow up in juz one day, suddenly achiving self-actualization..
pretending to be some1 im not, pretending to be a know-it-all, but in the end, im juz nobody, juz like dat..
n being a nobody, somehow it scares me.. dat's y i pretend, or did i??
im scared of losing... losing the ones i love, my family...

watching the video, i felt a sudden throb in my heart, somehow it's about my grandma, i miss her.. dat's y i did something unlike me... i called home suddenly juz now, heard her voice thru the phone... after hanging up, my tears came down.. i dont noe y, it juz happened....

guess i reali should be more grateful for wat i have and to treasure those around me...

PS: i reali love my family..................


Saturday, August 29, 2009


人, 脆弱的人, 有着脆弱的生命。。
主会按着祂的时候接走, 所以随时都得准备好; 随时都应该珍惜。。

无论如何, 还是得往前, 前进。。

最近都好像没什么好事。。 提不起劲来了。。

可是生命还没结束, 故事还在走着, 接下来的情节该怎么样, 自己决定怎么写吧。。


短暂的故事, 却是最有震撼力的。。
若是我, 我能吗?

Thursday, August 27, 2009


心情, 很难操控的东西。。
就像天气一样, 无法预测。。 好与坏, 我不能控制。。
我以为我可以对自己的心掌握些方向, 失败了。。

杂小的东西都能影响的心情, 太奇妙了。。
伤过痛过的心, 真的能愈合吗?
难过失望的回忆, 真的能忘记吗?
我想我不会把它忘了吧, 只是把它雪藏起来, 当作是成长的一部分。。

而我, 是时候长大了。

视而不见, 我不听, 不看, 也不想介意了。

Friday, August 14, 2009

sem break......

kinda weird.... din feel de anticipation of goin bc home dis time...
mayb it's coz i juz went bc last 2 weeks...

i reali dunno wat's wrong wif me.... feeling weird these few days... cant seem 2 say out wat's wrong, juz felt dat there's something inside...
mayb there're stuffs worryin me n some weird feelings goin on inside...
hope dat i can overcome all these asap... hate feeling down...... i was suppose to cheer up ppl, cant do it with dis attitude..........
aja aja..!!

听说了, 有了另一半的人, 其实相处下来并不是件容易的事。。 吵架, 生气都会有。。
有点怕了, 但还是很想尝试。。 哈哈。。
单身的自由, 正在享受着。。 会享受到几时呢。。
亲戚都在为我担心了。。 哈哈。。 每次回去都会问我有了吗?。。 说了没有, 却还是不信, 要我怎样讲叻。。 是没人要啦。。 =P

自己到底要干嘛都想不到, 很可悲。。

台湾遇到了严重的台风, 锡安山一带灾区严重, 但愿他们每一位都没事。。 咳。。

加油啦。。 睡了。。

无所事事到可以在电脑前发呆了。。 是藤井树一直诉说着的寂寞吗?

Monday, August 10, 2009

你和我 - original

觉得还ok。。 不知有没有水准。。 哈哈。。

曲, 只好等回去的时候再让paopao和ma听听, 看他们有什么意见。。
词嘛, 让大家过目吧, 不过不怎么样, 知道啦, 我的华语水准。。 哈哈。。









我说 你和我



你说 你和我



宁静的夜里 还听见风的回应





Crystal ©

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Taylor Swift - White Horse

My favourite song frm her.. somewhat soft and easy-listening... love it..

Say you're sorry, that face of an angel
Comes out just when you need it to
As I paced back and forth all this time
Cause I honestly believed in you

Holding on, the days drag on
Stupid girl, I should have known
I should have known

I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale
I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet
Lead her up the stairwell
This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
Now it's too late for you and your white horse, to come around

Baby I was naive, got lost in your eyes
And never really had a chance
I had so many dreams about you and me
Happy endings, now I know

I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale
I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet
Lead her up the stairwell
This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
Now it's too late for you and your white horse, to come around

And there you are on your knees
Begging for forgiveness, begging for me
Just like I always wanted but I'm so sorry

Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytale
I'm gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well
This is a big world, that was a small town
There in my rearview mirror disappearing now
And its too late for you and your white horse
Now its too late for you and your white horse, to catch me now

Sunday, August 2, 2009



隔了一个多月。。 我终于“真正”的回到家了!!
看到家人真的很开心。。 好像什么烦恼都消失了。。
这次仿佛是‘充电’的行程, 充好电了, 就回来加油。。 嘻嘻。。
不过有点赶, 回去一下子又回来了。。 在期待着后个礼拜的假期咯。。
回去后, 又有了新的感触, 新的领悟。。 很开心。。

快生病了。。 不过不敢跟妈妈说, 怕她会担心。。 希望不是H1N1咯。。 哈哈。。 =P

得加油了, 落后很多, 又不知道老师在说什么。。 咳。。


can we really ignore what people think of us...? why am i in dilemma..?

Thursday, July 30, 2009


很阴晴不定。。 好讨厌这样的自己。。 心里怎么一直都是有东西压着, 却说不出是什么。。

做了PM 学了很多。。 也更有想法了。。 不过好像是在逼着自己长大一样, 一直依赖着别人已经是不行了, 得自己做决定的事越来越多。。 有点害怕。。

还是很想家。。 总觉得回到家后一切都会变好。。 好像有点自欺欺人, 是在逃避吧。。咳。。
很久没仔细的看看爸爸,妈妈, 阿嫲,姐, 二姐的脸了。。
姐姐好像十月会回来了。。! 很期待。。 虽然可能一见面就吵架了。。 哈哈。。
阿嫲, 那时回马六甲答应她下礼拜就会回去, 但是拖到现在还没回去。。 那时没抱抱她, 感觉好像忘了一样事情似的。。 希望这礼拜真的能成功回去。。 不, 一定要回。。

MANUFACgatherin。。 明天就是了。。 很怕会冷场。。 毕竟自己并不是搞活动的人,节目不知ok不ok。。 说话主持也不行, 真的很懊恼。。 我这种人最怕做工了, 东西一多就会很stress。。 承认自己得改变这一点。。 每个人都不是完美的, 我得学着接受, 也得接受自己是时候改变态度了。。
希望, 真的希望能成功。。

想法变多了, 不知是好是坏。。? 感觉以前无忧无虑的自己慢慢从身边溜走了。。 很担心, 也很舍不得。。 人真的不能stay where they are吗。。?

天真无邪, 回来吧。。。。。。。。。。


Friday, July 17, 2009

很累, 很累。。

忙了一个礼拜。。 很累, 很累。。 可是不知道有资格喊累吗。。 因为我知道还有很多比我更累, 更忙的人。。 比起他们, 我做的只是皮毛之事。。
自己对搞活动这方面的认识还不是很深, 做起事来很马虎, 也很随便。。 这也是我正在学习的东西。。 有时会讨厌自己不够成熟, 想得不够远。。 咳。。 看来只能一步一步慢慢来了。。

这个sem, 比以前更更更忙了。。 因为多了些宿舍的活动, 有点开始担心课业了。。 我觉得自己应该要先学习怎么安排时间吧。。 哈哈。。 还有学习抗压; 东西一多我就越想逃避, 越紧张, 是很不好的现象。。 该是时候长大了。。

一个月没回家。。 一回到家就是拿了车便走人; 放了车就回KL。。 有点对不起家人。。 可是没办法, 得跟着大家一起走啊。。 不过家人他们是明白的啦, 只是心里有点酸酸的。。 这个礼拜想回家, 可是这次换爸妈他们去怡保了。。 只好等下个礼拜了咯。。
上了大学后, 好像忽略了他们。。。 真的很对不起。。。。 会抽出时间回去见见他们。。 希望别太忙。。

现在开始要认真了。。 带着开心的心情迎接每件事 - 这是我的目标。。
朋友们, 或许我会有时变得沉默(应该很难才会吧, 哈哈, anyway.. ), 别担心, 我没事, 只是想让自己静一静而已。。 一切正常。。 嘻嘻。。


4 2268 9248 3673837, 76 46 668464 66

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

start of something new... (part 1)

im officially a senior now.. haha..

wow.. a lot of things had happen during this 2 months.. n i mean A WHOLE LOT of them...

1stly, i've been away frm home for 1 month to prepare for MHS - Minggu Haluansiswa 09/10.. camps n kursus, preparation, n de week itself took us 1 month.. it was hard to leave home so early compared to others ( my frens had gatherins without me.. *-* )..
but.. after all these had finished, i think it's worth it.. coz i had learned a lot.. a lot... de experience was indescribable..

during my secondary skul times, i was de one standing n hiding behind, i avoided ppl as much as possible, naturally i din join many activities then, so leadership n project-handling was way beyond my thought..
it's only when i went to NS dat some changes are seen in me.. i was gettin more courage n speakin out more..
form 6, to me, was one of the best experience in my life, havin all my best frens wif me..

n now.. frm 1st year in uni til becomin a PM, im gettin more mature in thinking.. hopefully it's not too late la.. =P
sometimes i reali envy those who can see further n those who are more mature.. reali hope that i can be like dat someday n not so shortsighted..
being a PM taught me a lot.. it was reali a mind-opening experience.. n i made lots of new frens.. i've learned dat de 'world is out there'.. haha..
the world doesn't evolve around me, it's full of ppl, each of them wif different personalities n attitude.. being around them makes me see things in a whole new perspective..
it's good.. but bad in a way.. i felt dat im starting to stop believing fully of one's goodness, means that i'll hv doubt in ppl.. which was different frm wat i believe last time - an immature thinking about everyone is kind n good.. in other words, im starting to see reality..

it's hard.. n i noe dat everyone is not perfect, me myself is definitely not perfect.. im stil learning how 2 overcome my weakness, stil learning wat is my weakness, stil learning to do my best, stil learning to have better attitude.. learning, learning n learning...

huh.. at last MHS is over..... it's been a tough week for all of us PMs.. wanted to complain, but i noe dat there are a lot of them, PMs dat were more tired n contributed a whole lot more than me.. so no complains.. =)
hopefully wat i did during the whole week is satisfactory, n din make anyone unhappy..
oh ya.. PMs had their own envelopes for the juniors to make comments.. i had good comments, but there's this one particular comment - 'i think u are selfish'.. juz this line..
it was a bit disappointing lor.. but im wondering wat i reali did for someone to make dis comment.. stil wonderin til now.. mayb i am selfish, but i reali hope to noe, in wat sense.. so dat i can improve myself.. but for now, since i may not noe de answer, i'll try to be better lar.. so dat i wont have regrets..

okie gotta sleep now..

to be continued.....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

calm.. exceptionally calm..

so.. as expected.. i failed my dynamics..
wat i dun get is dat how can out of a whole class of ppl, 70% of us failed??!!
some were good n yet they failed too?? i can only say STUPID STUPID zahari..

well, as the title above said, im exceptionally calm.. i did expect it to come out like dis..
haiz.. juz some indescribable feelings.. it's like i had billions of words under my stomach, trying hard to get out..

was reali pondering whether i should check my results.. felt like vomiting at the thought of it.. but i gotta face it now or later.. n i chose now.. n now im feeling calm.. haha..

wat to do.. all is done.. how i wish i wont hv to see him again... dat stupid king kong.. he thinks he's so smart n all that.. wish that someone smarter can teach him a lesson..

it's hard to break the news to my mum.. i noe she'll feel disappointed.. but she took it well n was very encouraging.. that's y i love her.. =)
hopefully i'll do better next time.. haiz....

jia you jia you!!!!!!!!

Smile is contagious..

Thursday, April 30, 2009


2个考试, 5天后, 我就自由啦!!!

一年了, 时间就这样过了。。
懵懵懂懂的到了8th college, 上了2个sem的课。。 一年就过了。。
之后就会有自己的junior了, 还蛮期待的。。 希望我的buddy是个不错的人。。 嘻嘻。。

不能回头, 更不能待在现时, 只能往前看。。

现在很想念我的吉他, 在youtube看到了Taylor Swift - White Horse的教学带。。 好想玩玩。。

想念爸爸,妈妈,阿嫲,二姐。。 还有姐。。 很想见见她。。
马六甲, 等我啊。。。。。。。。


Monday, April 27, 2009

almost over.... ~~~

finished C++ today...
dat means i stil got 3 papers left..

mum n dad was scared that i pressure myself 2 much.. hmm.. i dun think i did.. ha.. juz felt nervous abt it.. am reali hoping for de best now....

many of my frens almost finish their exam.. some are relaxin at home d.. haiz... here i am, stil struggling...
after dis stil got activities lagi.....
hopefully i get to do some meaningful things la...
2 be honest im gettin sick of playin, sittin in front of pc de whole day... den after dat, wat??

空虚。。 这并不是我该有的感觉。。
主是我该重视的, 只是来到这里后, 开始忘我了。。 是时候找回起初的信心了。。

还在寻找着自己。。 到底想要的是什么。。 应该过得有意义。。


可爱的caryl... 想念她搞怪的样子, 哈哈..


Saturday, April 25, 2009


i think i juz failed my dynamics sub...
felt like cryin when i got de paper, i can say dat i cant do each n every question...
numb.. nothin 2 describe my feelings..
to think dat i stayed up til 5.30am to study dis, it's totally useless.. but it's part of my fault oso, i din reali pay attention n i din do my best...

juz felt reali sori to mum n dad.. haiz...
hopefully i can pass la.. dun wanna meet dat crazy lecturer again...

but, happy n "light".. dat's my feeling now.. haha.. something huge had juz came off my shoulders... dynamics - something terrible n nervous-maker..

huhu... i did something 2day.. haha.. if any1 of u reali read my blog, den u'll noe the truth to my status.. haha..
changed my status in facebook.. ==> in a relationship...
wah.. many comments.. haha.. juz wu liao wanna do something mah.. manatau so many ppl comment..
sori la.. haha.. bluff u all.. dat's not true.. stil single.. haha..
haiz... i oso hope im in a relationship la.... but stil....
everything is fated.. where's my DE ONE? hmm.. stil finding..

neway, think a lot during study n exam week..
been tryin 2 find ways 2 improve myself.. hopefully after camps of PM i'll have time to do wat i want during sem break...
1st i wanna continue to learn guitar, den if i hv time i wanna learn how 2 swim.. hehe..
there's de 2 major activities la.. provided i hv the free time..

now.. 4 more papers 2 go...!!
try my best la.. がんばって!!

i miss you malacca.....
i miss you sis...
i miss my family...


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

5 subs left..!!

找到了‘鲔鱼’的blog。。 嘻嘻。。 为什么会迷上他呢? 因为他像一个人。。 后来看了他的表演,慢慢的开始喜欢他了。。
你们一定觉得很搞笑, 上了大学的人还迷棒棒糖这些人, 哈哈, 朋友们都这么说, 不过真的觉得他是有实力的, 而不是那些靠外表出头天的。 (不过他也有外表。 哈哈。。)
与其说是喜欢, 应该是欣赏比较正确吧。。 个人比较欣赏有才华的人。。

po上他的照片, 你们自己决定他帅不帅啦。。 不过芷薇一定说还好而已。。 哈哈。。 帅吧, 帅吧。。 嘻嘻。。

不说这些了啦。。 嘻嘻。。

今天开始考了两张考卷, 剩下5个。。 接下来的还真的蛮头痛的, 算是很难的, 希望这次可以全pass咯。。
不知不觉, 在这里已经一年了。。 真不敢相信, 竟然熬了过来。。 本来刚开始还打算换course的, 后来留下了。。 很庆幸在这里能遇见一群好玩的好朋友们, 哈哈。。 同甘共苦的日子, 让大家变得熟悉起来。。 一年的时间, 不能说短, 也不长, 竟然能交到这么多很好的朋友, 真的觉得自己很幸福。。 但愿这样的友谊能维持到以后很久很久, 不只是这四年里。。

云顶之旅 (2008)

宗翰&阿Khoo 生日@KFC

搞怪八人党@MAK (Sunway Resort)

朋友是重要的‘东西’。。 哈哈。。
现在蛮想念我的姐妹们。。 好几个月没见了吧, Annie 甚至像人间蒸发一样, 半年没见到她了。。 哈哈。。 大忙人, 知道你的苦衷啦。。
你们快考完试了, 一直问我要不要去旅行。。 咳, 大姐们, 我在这里快压力死了, 再等等我一下好吗。。? 哈哈。。 一定一定奉陪。。

当选了PM- Pembantu Mahasiswa, 不知道是该高兴还是怎样。。 我自认害怕自己没有这个能力办妥所受托的工作。。 不过我会全力以赴, 希望不辜负大家吧。。
这个假期, 会很忙碌吧。。 希望能有时间做我想做的事。。。

啰嗦了一大堆, 是时候面对现实了。。
后天的dynamics。。。 ‘灯灯灯灯’。。。。。。。
无语形容。。 咳。。

加油, 加油!!
可爱的妈妈说的: add oil add oil.. 哈哈。。
赶快考完吧, 这样就能回家了!!!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

finals comin!!

i had dis weird feeling down in my stomach... cant describe it, juz felt reali weird.. i think it has something 2 do wif my finals..
feeling stressed abt it.. reali wonder whether i can pass onot.. especially dynamics n MOM..
asked mum whether i've chose the wrong course... mum did encouraged me, told me not to pressure on myself..
juz dat i noe she had her hopes high on me.. she wont blame me if i did badly, but mayb i'll blame myself.. i cant bear 2 disappoint them.. let's hope dat im up to the challenge then..

it's a wonder y ppl wil feel so emo once they've slow down their pace, o rather, me la.. haha..
im the type who thinks a lot.. ppl around me dun noe this rite? haha... to them, i must hv been that blur blur girl that cant think clearly..
how i wish i can be as simple as i can, i dun wanna think so much oso.. sometimes my mind fly so faraway until i cant get it back.... that's when i started to get emo...
should stop, i reali should..

focus now.. i cant afford to fail anything..
ganbatte neh.....!!


Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Can Go the Distance...

I have often dreamed
Of a far off place
Where a hero's welcome
Would be waiting for me
Where the crowds will cheer
When they see my face
And a voice keeps saying
This is where I'm meant to be

I'll be there someday
I can go the distance
I will find my way
If I can be strong
I know ev'ry mile
Will be worth my while
When I go the distance
I'll be right where I belong

Down an unknown road
To embrace my fate
Though the road may wander
It will lead me to you
And a thousand years
Would be worth the wait
It might take a lifetime
But somehow I'll see it through

And I won't look back
I can go the distance
And I'll stay on track
No I won't accept defeat
It's an uphill slope
But I won't lose hope
Till I go the distance
And my journey is complete

But to look beyond the glory is the hardest part
For a hero's strength is measured by his heart

Like a shooting star
I can go the distance
I will search the world
I will face its harms
I don't care how far
I can go the distance
Till I find my hero's welcome
Waiting in your arms

I will search the world
I will face its harms
Till I find my hero's welcome
Waiting in your arms

A song from Disney movie - Hercules...

i've suddenly realised how regressed i am.. since when, i had no idea...
seems like im stuck in dis reali small world in um.. cant think out of the box n i dun seem like wanting to upgrade myself..

i wanted myself 2 stay de same, not progressing, it's easier dat way.. but i suddenly felt dat THIS is not IT.... im more than dis... it's juz not right 2 stay de old way...

the world is out there, big, huge, waiting for me to explore.. i cant juz stop here.. it is a big step, but i noe it's worth it...
it's time to grow.. i kept sayin that i dun wan 2 let mum down, but it's me whom i dun wan 2 disappoint..

hopefully i wil keep my word, i can go the distance....
it'll be hard, keep my fingers crossed... i'll try my best..
feels great when you let go of things dat's botherin u...

all my frens.. jia you together....
it's great to have u guys wif me on this road..

i can go the distance...

Monday, March 30, 2009

a quarter of a year gone....

好像都blur blur这样, final 也快来了, 可是怎么都不知从哪里读起。。 真的希望这次能够考过, 不想让妈妈失望。。
crystal see, 加油啊。。

好久没再创作了, 都在忙着课业, 团体, project.. 这个sem变成了超级大熊猫了。。 都不够睡。。 被妈妈知道的话又要唠叨了。。

我的音乐梦想,几时才能完成呢。。 希望过后真的能再继续坚持。。

大家, 加油吧。。
成长的路上, 互相扶持吧。。
がんばて ね。。

我走向前 你看不见 真的遥远
就连叹息 影子听见 也是无言
你走向前 我看不见 你的思念
你和我之间 刻着一条界线 不曾有改变

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


今天是难得可以静下来, 坐一坐发呆的一天。。

因为紫薇的车, 让我们可以出去走走。。 去了12th看看他们的expo。。 顺便参观参观。。 嘻嘻。。

那里比起自己的宿舍凉快多了。。 这里的房就像快爆炸了一样, 超热的。。 咳。。
那里也很宽, 看了很舒服。。
虽然说自己的宿舍比较习惯, 但会羡慕他们的环境。。 各有各的好咯。。

这个sem真的超忙的喔, 都不知自己在忙些什么。。 好累啊。。。。。

看到了朋友每天能和男朋友说说笑, 聊聊天, 不然就出去走走。。 有点羡慕叻。。 哈哈。。
自己还是一个人。。 咳, 有点闷了。。
男朋友, 天上掉一个来好吗。。 哈哈。。 顺其自然, 要等到什么时候呢。。

以上是‘单身汉’的牢骚啦。。 看了就算了吧。。 嘻嘻。。
还有功课还没做, 大家加油咯。。!!


smile always...... =)

你的故事, 能告诉我吗?

Friday, February 13, 2009


刚过了一些科的test, 感觉一片空白, 尤其是dynamics。。 那时真的有那么一刻觉得自己选错系了。。 或许我根本就没资格读这么难的系。。
懒惰又笨, 好像都读不进似的。。 希望可以更加油咯。。 咳。。

姐去了澳洲, 经常和她斗嘴, 但还是很依赖她。。 不在这儿了, 感觉很怪。。 真的想念她了。。 希望姐在那里一切顺利。。 加油加油!!

情人节快到了。。 明天就是了耶。。 还是一个人过。。 哈哈。。 不过不怎样啦, 都习惯了。。 明天就回家和家人一起过了。。 嘻嘻。。
好糟糕, 电话坏了, 借了2姐的用, 竟然也坏了!! 真是不幸啊。。 不过还好自己的修好了, 不用过着与世隔绝的生活了。。 哈哈。。

等下还有课, 上到7点, 晚上又有choir。。 累死了啦。。!! 咳。。 何时才有静下来的一天呢。。

该去准备了。。 大家, 情人节快乐咯。。 就算一个人也没关系哦, 一样可以过得开心。。 嘻嘻。。 加油加油!!

当我要放弃的时候, 你却给了我希望。。

Friday, January 9, 2009

things getting on track... or not?

回来学校已经有两个礼拜了。。 刚开始看到时间表还蛮开心, 因为不是很满。。 哪知现在越加越多了, tutorial啦, lab啦。。 难得空闲的时间又没了。。 咳。。

不过这学期开始, 我们就已经开始享受了。。 哈哈。。 享受到处游走, 吃吃喝喝。。 就算有两个小时的空时, 我们都会搭的士出去吃东西。。 厉害吧。。 嘻嘻。。
不过还是得检点一些了。。 不然。。 成绩。。 咳。。

这次的讲师们都好恐怖哦。。 上课时不能丝毫松懈, 不然被叫出去后都不知怎么死。。
也不能睡, 真的好痛苦。。 希望这次我能再专心点咯。。

生病了, 不在家里, 没有妈妈的嘱咐和关心, 有点难过。。 一个人, 还是有点寂寞呢。。 咳。。 那天看了‘不良笑花’, 突然很想念阿嫲。。 家人, 很重要。。 不知该说些什么, 只希望他们能感受到我对他们的爱。。 也不能没有他们。。

对了, 上次去云顶的照片没po上网, 这里的line超不稳的, 很不满意。。 咳。。 没办法咯。。 连这里也不行。。 咳。。 大家没眼福啦。。 嘻嘻。。

好想念我的guitar哦。。 希望下一次回来能够把它带来宿舍, 这样我就能玩啦。。
不过搭巴士还真的不方便呢。。 减少行李就可以了吧。。

该睡了。。 嘻嘻。。 还好妈妈不在, 不然就被唠叨了。。 哈哈。。
大家加油咯。。 smile smile..!!! =)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2 sem comin.... no, starting....

不知不觉, 就这样过了半年了。。 今天是1月1号。。 又是新的一年了。。
新学期也开始了。。 dynamics。。 让我感到害怕。。 真的完全不知道老师在说什么。。 好惨。。 少了form6的physics, 好像都迟钝了。。 脑筋一片空白。。 希望过后能再加油吧。。

和coursemates庆祝了2009年。。 第一次新的一年没和家人在一起, 感觉有点怪怪。。 不过还好啦。。 朋友们都很好玩。。 嘻嘻。。

another new year.. i need a new resolution? must be more hardworking than last sem.. reali hope i can keep to my word, hate to disappoint ownself leh.. haiz..
LAZY is the root of all problem.. at least for me.. must overcome it.. haiz..

let us hope for a better year.. do ur best n be happy always n spread the happiness as well..
jiayou jiayou oooo.....!!!