Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas again...

Wanted to post about my clumsiness.. but then i realized it's Christmas again..
Confused?? haha..
okie, one by one..

My clumsiness
was being stupid; while bathing, i used hair conditioner as body wash..
haha.. what a weirdo.. geli lor.. lucky thing i realized it fast.. haha..
okie, dun imagine...
imagination is not needed here.. hahaha..

Christmas 'again'
suddenly remembered i've posted a Christmas song, and realized it was LAST YEAR!!
funny how time flies..
i hope it would swim.. then it'll be slower.. =.=

another year had pass..
without any warning or signs, i'm getting another year older~~~ huhu.... T.T


neway, as i didn't do any new song, here's my last year's singing to TRAUMATIZE u ppl... muahahahahaha...

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas by crystalsee

Happy Xmas everyone..
and a happy new year n hopefully a more joyful year to come~~

assignments, test, lab, thesis.... final...... NOOOOOO~~~~~~~~

Thursday, November 17, 2011

update? ^^

haven't update my blog for such a super long time....

things have been goin the same..
same classes;
same quiz and test;
same annoying FYP.. etc etc etc etc..
lots of "etc"s there to emphasize.. haha..

but one thing have changed, guess i haven't really blog about this.. (but everyone already knows thru facebook? haha..)
k lar, i'm not "single crystal" anymore..!
haha.. it stil feels a bit weird to say this.. well, i've been a "single crystal" for almost my whole life; considering up till now, yes, it's my whole life.. haha..

hope this new status won't change for a long time.. ^^
nice day everyone!! ^.^ smile!!

pabo: bogoshipta..

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


my initial plan was to post a 'happy blog'..
but while goin through my youtube videos, i came across a video about a motor rider who passed away in the Sepang competition recently..
there goes my plan~~~

he's only 24.. around my age..
i dunno what to say.. just RIP..

our unpredictable life, it won't be under our control all the time..
keep up, n leave no regrets..
Pray always, God bless..

Monday, October 10, 2011


在 facebok 看到了 college 朋友 post 的 status~
他们 tag 了他的名字。。
开了他的 profile, 看回他之前的 post。。
突然一阵心酸, 原来他在我的 status 写过些 comments。。
还是不能接受, 永远看不到他了。

我的朋友们, 珍惜吧~
而你, 祝你:毕业快乐!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


i didn't know i am so attached to my family..

practically cried myself to sleep last nite, realizing im goin bc the next day;
for the 1st time, i cried in the bus.. silently of course, i stil hv my image to maintain.. haha.. pathetic..

aiz..... i miss them......
n my frens.....

Thursday, August 25, 2011



最近看了一本我最爱的藤井树,的书, 《流转之年》。
这本我觉得续《我们不结婚, 好吗?》后, 会变成我的第二本最爱。

谁也不知道明天会如何, 而几经多少流转之年,
感到骄傲? 还是只会感到悲伤跟懊悔呢?
[未来]一到, 就会有答案了。。。吧。
―――― 《流转之年》

曾经, 我们都是‘小孩’, 但现在的我们都‘长大’ 了吗?
‘小孩’跟‘长大’的定义在人生的字典里, 和所谓的字典并不是同一的。
至少在我的感觉上, 是不一样的。

小时候, 爸爸妈妈阿嫲姐姐们就是我的一切;
小学中学, 课业似乎是唯一的重点, 而围绕的地方就是学校与家里的范围; (我的生活有点乏味啦, 哈哈。)
NS, 生活范围扩散到了边界, 认识了柔佛的朋友们。
台湾之旅, 是我人生中的转折点。
大学了, 认识了算是各地的朋友, 到了吉隆坡。

我以前从来不曾感觉过世界如此的广阔, 而我其实能到那广阔的地方的几率也不是渺茫的。
我认为我以前是自私的, 出发点都是自己和家人; 家人,尤其是妈妈让我看清了其实还有亲戚们也是一样重要的, 仲然自己发达, 不分享与付出, 最终孤单寂寞空虚的是自己。
以前的我, 一直想着要赚很多很多的钱, 让爸妈嫲姐姐们过着舒服的生活; 但‘舒服的生活’的定义又是什么? 虽然现在的我还是希望自己是比较有能力的, 但我只希望自己能时时刻刻都明白‘珍惜’这两个字。

不, 我不认为是‘长大’了。
我觉得一直到老, 我们都会一直在成长。
它是一种领悟, 一种人类一直都在等待着发掘的感受。
是选择性的, 一些人会选择不要长大;
也是强迫性的, 一些人是被逼着长大的。
大家都希望不要长大, 想一直都像小孩一样无忧无虑的,
但可以说是遗憾, 也可说是庆幸的, 我们都必须长大, 感受着酸甜苦辣。
人生, 只是一个过程;
朋友, 开心的感受吧!

时间洪流滚滚, 带着世上的所有往前漂流,
而我们就在这些流转之年中, 笑着、哭着、感受着, 那关于成长的, 点点滴滴。
―――― 《流转之年》

himitsu: cheongmal bogoshipta, kamsahabnida

Sunday, July 17, 2011


直到有一天, 我以为对我视而不见, 经过的那人是妈妈时, 突然感到非常的难过。
反过来想想, 若是妈妈, 或是家人看到我无视他们的话, 他们会有多难过。

珍惜, 一直都是我需要学习的东西。

Sunday, July 3, 2011

















谢谢您们, 我最敬爱的每一个

下一段道路, 会是如何呢?

Saturday, May 28, 2011


嗨!! 好久没写部落格了。。
LI第二个星期顺利完成了。。 还真是蛮累的, 开始佩服家人和那些做了几十年工的人。。
上司不错, 很愿意教我。。 只是我一直做到钓鱼, 抓了好 几只的大鱼了。。 哈哈。。
接下来的几个星期加油吧, 大家。。

《有个女孩叫feeling》, 如往常一样, 藤井树又写了一个‘悲哀’故事。。
我知道现在才读这本, 有点out了。。 哈哈。。 不过还有几本蛮out的等着我去读。。 嘻嘻。。
这本, 让我思考了一下。。
主角对女主角, feeling的喜欢, 就只是纯粹的迷恋。。 是真实故事, 藤井树的好朋友的故事。。 他喜欢她足足有六年之久。。 真的能暗恋一个人这么久吗? 毕竟, 由那本书形容的来看, 男主角真的就这样被她迷住了。。
最后六年来, 他们一直徘徊在喜欢、说与不说之间。。
让人(我)心烦的是: 她其实也喜欢他, 为什么一直逃避他; 就因为她有些怀疑, 所以放弃了。
故事的最后, 女主角发现她其实是喜欢着他的。 藤井树很果断的停顿在这里, 因为他说他的朋友知道了, 但还是让事情停留在那样的位置。。
爱情是矛盾的; 不知道藤井树是为了让书卖的好, 所以把它写得很唯美, 哈哈。。
对我来说, 喜欢与相处却是两回事; 喜欢是最初的阶段, 能不能让它长久还是未知数。。
所以, 藤井树的这本书, 最终还是一直一直徘徊在最初、最开始的唯美阶段; 或许一旦进入了下一个阶段, 故事就不那么单纯了。。
不过我还是相信着相处是能适应的, 而我会想把它变得唯美。。 =)

哈哈。。 以上纯粹个人想法。。 一本完成; 攻下一本。。 嘻嘻。。

nado bogoshipta 是‘我也想你’.. =)

Monday, May 9, 2011


oh no ppl, im not in love.. haha.. (i wish i was.. =.=)

all kinds of love, take your pick; oh, the wrong one? have a new one..
unlike buying things, this is one thing u can't refund..

ok, u're wondering, y would i be talking about this..
me myself is also totally clueless.. again, =.=

since we're on this topic..
well, my view, love (boy girl thing) is somehow overrated..
mayb n most probably it's cause im not in love..

but seriously, some ppl are totally overrating it, seeing it as the top most priority..?!
i mean, come on lar, it's not like u can't live without it..; yes u can't if u're considering all the love: family love, frens love, dream love, passion love.. it's just a small part in the big picture of love..
they're a sum up of happiness; if u lack one of them, u won't die; u'll just lay around, wondering aimlessly in life,quivering in pain, feeling everyone else in the world owe u a hundred thousand, u'll have asthma, short of breath, pain in the chest, feel stupid, feel like dying....
so NOT!!

get a grip on urself, get a nice cup of Starbucks, sit down and enjoy the awesomeness of Kpop.. - Jpop/Englishpop/Cpop/Mpop/Indopop/Thaipop or watever 'pop' u wan..
coz L.O.V.E. is just overly-overrated.. (for some ppl)

relax.. 'smell.....' =D

but im looking forward to be in love; im pathetic......

Monday, April 25, 2011


It’s been a while.. since I’ve talked to my heart..

Insane, u may say.. haha.. it’s my way of investigating how I’ve been doin..

I’ve always been afraid.. to show my trueself; afraid that others wont accept me..

But, i’ve found out that, even if im a dork n a nerd, there’s stil ppl standing by me.. haha..

To all my frens, sori if im a nerd n dork…. I’ll always be one, be ready.. haha..

“Journey” – 1 year..

For our journey, I guess it’s appropriate to say that I’ve learned a lot.. in terms of knowledge n people..

The last week was scary...

It was where I know that I dun hv wat it takes to succeed.. im a quitter.. it was mind opening, extremely.. at least I’ve discovered my weaknesses, so it’s not a bad experience after all..

But I stil hv tones of complaints showering………. Anyhow, wateva…… it’s over!!

这个journey, 我看到了形形色色的人类。。 哈哈。。

人类, 真是奇特啊。。

不一样的destress方法, 也看到了。。

我明白那种压力, 也会试着对待。。

只是, 那个眼神; 真的让我改观了。。

人类。。 原来不过是这样啊。。

总之, 又有一些经验和收获收进脑袋了! =)

小时候常想, 我们家很穷吗? 想买的东西爸妈为何不买给我; 买给我都是因为我吵到要死似的才让步。。

长大了, 发现不是因为我们家穷, 而是爸妈不想宠坏我们。。 妈妈一直都要我们知道什么是需要的, 而不是想要的, 不能浪费。。

谢谢你们, 让我学了人生重要的 一课。。

I love you!!

Spread the love.. <3

*That Woman* is me?

Monday, April 4, 2011

to prove urself?

一直担心着, 想证明自己并不是没有用的。。

现在的我, 怀疑自己了; 太过于证明自己反而会失去自己吗?

还是一样的老烦恼; 人家看到我就会想起“幼稚”吗?

想摆脱 幼稚但还是不想长大, 哈哈。。 矛盾呢。。

我是没用的吗? 很笨吗?

咳。。 或许我还是没办法证明自己了。。

自相矛盾, 并不是好事。。

side story:

haven't cry for so long like 2day... u guys must think im weird... haha..

one of my favourite couple in We Got Married has juz left the show..............

Yonghwa Seohyun forever!!! <3

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


blogging to me, is a very tiring work.. yet relaxing..
haha.. how so? u ask..

tiring as i've always chose to blog during midnite, n it's eating up my energy, bits by bits..
tiring as i need to pour out all my emotions n feelings and thoughts.. to do justice to u guys that're reading my blog.. for that, i need to be honest; not only to u guys but also myself..
relaxing.. i get to say wat i wan.. all at once.. haha..
well mayb not all, yet it's 'all' that's been covering my thoughts..

i went home, again, dis week..
was thinking of doing my work at kl, but knowing i wont do much anyhow, decided to go back..
at least i'll get to go church..

im not sure whether u guys get the same feeling as mine, but every journey back home never fail to overwhelm me; n by everytime, i mean EVERYTIME..
i get new feelings and findings, everytime..

starting wif small exciting things:
my little tortoise's getting bigger!! huge!! he's bullying my sis's (long long); he always eats up all the food and left little long long hungry, that's y she's not growing as well as him.. bad little tortoise.. but long long is juz too timid n shy.. she's always afraid.. haha..
i guess next time im back home, they'll grow even way bigger...... wow....

i have a plan............
plan.... for future, i guess?
suggested my plan to mum, n she approves!!
mum was always the one who plans for me; don't get me wrong n don't judge her; i believe her with my life and i know she wans the best for me..
it's juz that im trying to find my own way in the meantime..
my plan was planted deep down even b4 i chose my current path, though there's not much high hopes in this plan..
it kind of struck me when mum suggested i go further higher in my plan..
felt like crying when she said:" no matter what u do, i'll always be happy for u."
awwww.. mum, you killed it.....

feels like having another hope amongst heartbreaks now...
i'll work harder... i promise....
anyhow, God will lead me to where He wans me to be.. im not worried..

i dunno but it seems like im having a tough sem now...
seems like we get all the pressure and stress, yet we learn nothing..
is this the way it's supposed to be...??
there's reali no choice but to go through it with gritted teeth..
i get white hairs everytime im stressed; apparently im getting a lot more than usual nowadays.. hmm.. not a good sign...

slightly depressed now, caused another favourite couple of mine, YongHwa & SeoHyun from "We Got Married" is leaving the show.. after Jokwon & Gain!! im gonna miss them.....
haha.. ignore me, will you... thx.. ^^

now for my 'chinese' feelings.. =)


之前, 一直希望自己有能力些; 我想让爸妈拥有更富裕的生活, 若可以,将来给他们更大的房子, 无忧无虑的生活。。
只是, 这次回去, 是老了吗? 感慨特别多。。
单独和爸妈在车里, 看着他们的背影, 突然好想哭。。
什么时候, 时间就这样飞过了。。
那时候的我, 只想着一直一直呆在他们身边; 不需要豪华轿车, 不需要大洋房; 只要在一起就好了。。

我领悟了; 其实幸福很简单。。
我只想抓着现在的幸福, 之后的事, 再说吧。。

幸福, 真的是很简单。。 =)

Friday, February 25, 2011



今晚, 更加感觉到了音乐的厉害。。
刚刚才看完‘I love HK’, 很搞笑的说; 回来听了一首歌, 就有了伤心的感觉; 真的是很厉害的音乐啊。。 哈哈。。

忘了是谁share的文章; 里面诉说着外表开心的人, 其实是内心脆弱的人。。 类似这样的说法吧, 真正的忘了。。
看了前面几段, 突然觉得不想看完。。。。

先停一停, 问个问题;
大家, 是不是听首歌; 看部电影;看段文章; 看个短片, 都会试着把主角的遭遇当作是自己的呢? 而且无论怎样都想把它当作是在诉说自己的情感一样。。
尤其是伤心的, 越伤心越好。。
因为我有时会这样; 有点变态咯, 我觉得。。 哈哈。。
哈哈。。 只是好奇啦, 没事, 回来了。。

文章里说在别人面前开开心心笑嘻嘻的, 掩饰着自己的难过, 夜深一个人的时候会哭泣。。
一如往常, 我也试着把字句看成是我的故事。。
不过越看越觉得不对劲; 里面都是说着这种人有多么的孤单寂寞, 觉得自己一个人的时候就快崩溃。。
最后干脆不读了。。 哈哈。。
我虽然在别人眼里是整天笑嘻嘻的, 但我也没觉得自己一个人的时候会难受的要死啊。。
所以啊, 应该别想太多。。
不适合自己的故事别太执着吧, 只能这样说。。
就这样吧, 想分享下自己的感觉。。

咳, 搞怪久了, 会想休息一下。。 哈哈。。
好久没正式的问问自己: 你好吗?
几个星期的忙碌, 好像还没能停下来。。
无聊拿起手机, 看了看家里之前send来的问候信息; 突然会想哭呢。。 想家了吧。。
不希望把学校的压力带回家, 功课还没做完前, 还是不回了。。

希望自己每一天、每一天都会有新的领悟, 让自己能成为更好的人。。

突然听到一首歌, 想起了之前的回忆; 还是很谢谢你给过的回忆, 真的是个很温暖的回忆, 谢谢你。。 请你一定要幸福, 我也会找到我的幸福。 ^^


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

dream high.....

很久没说些无厘头的东西了。。 哈哈。。

我很忙, 很忙。。 不过不是忙该忙的东西。。
Project, 说实在, 有点迷茫了。。 只好看一步, 走一步了。。 加油吧。。

话说回来, 忙: DREAM HIGH!!
哈哈。。 不明白? 是韩剧。。 好像是有史以来第一部音乐剧。。 有2pm的Taec和Wooyoung!! 还有MissA的Suzy, IU!!

虽然说故事对我来说是有点太年轻了, 毕竟我已经老了。。 不过还是很喜欢, 尤其是剧里很有素质的歌曲, 真的是太棒了!!

对于音乐, 在剧里再次找到了感动。。
想告诉自己, 梦想, 并不遥远; 但现实还是把自己拉回来了。。
后来, 明白了, 其实很需要梦想, 人才能快乐。。
虽然遥远, 但我会一直抱着梦想, 即使没能实现, 至少有想过。。

哎呀, 说无厘头的事啊!! 哈哈。。
现在的我, 真的非常、非常、非常的缺少睡眠。。 但是就是舍不得睡。。 哈哈。。
被妈妈发现的话-------- 我看我会减寿几年; 虽然已经所剩无几了。。 choi choi!!

咳, 就这样吧。。

Monday, January 17, 2011

if only.....

if only.....

if only people would stay true to themselves..
if only people would just think more of the bright side..
if only people would forget all vengeance..
if only people would open up their eyes for the beautiful world..
if only people would stop thinking about themselves..
if only people would start hoping for the better..
if only people would have 'more' heart..
if only..
if only..
if only there's a way...

if only, if only i would stay true to myself..

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


人, 活在自己的世界; 让自己有自由的空间;

甚至, 有没有梦想?

没经历过非常痛苦的经验; 但一直以来所经历的可以说是奇特的感觉。。
每个家庭都会有些问题, 但大家都肩并肩度过了。。
活得越久, 看得越多; 我终于感受到了。
人, 活在回忆里, 是愚蠢的举动。。
从回忆里抽出, 得到的是现实; 倒不如一直活在现实里。。

过于封闭自己会让自己发霉的, 别人渐渐不敢靠近。。
放开自己, 给自己机会。。
仲然有些人不理会, 但只要坚持信念, 总有人会欣赏的。。


Tuesday, January 4, 2011


the new year, 2011 hvnt dawned on me yet....
dunno y....

what's the feeling of goin thru a year without any prominent events?
bored? disappointed? dunno......

a lot of things that i've planned din go rite..
guitar class for example...

if only i can find a way to get rid of my laziness!!!

got my results.. happy with it coz i got more than i deserved..
after going out wif my ji muis later then i realised i hvnt been trying hard enough..
(pao, it's u.. hehe.. great results btw, congrats ya.. ^^)
what have i been doing these two years previously??
slacking and playing all the way?
i reali should step up though.. there's not much time for me to grow up; mentally i mean, physically not reali possible..

thus, changing to be better in every way i can..
for a start, not neglecting veges in meals.. hopefully can get healthier..

goin home was always a new experience for me; despite the old home n same ppl..
my short 3 weeks holidays were great as usual..
it amazes me juz how simple happiness can be..
a simple joke; a simple laugh; a simple meal; a simple moment; many more..
my family will always be my greatest treasure..
and God will always be my greatest guide thru life..

another simple happiness guidance:
enjoy every moment u have while u still have breath..
it's a blessing to be alive..

somehow, i missed seeing sky full of stars..
my wish for 2011: a nite on the beach, enjoying the sky full of stars..