Thursday, October 29, 2009

new template!!!

dunno wat got into me n all of a sudden, after searching 4 de rite template that captures me most, den HUALA..! a new template n a new look!!

final is juz around de corner... and it's practically NEXT WEEK!!!
n now, im blogging about it instead of studying.... not to mention Youtubing as well... die................ ha...
guess some relaxing acts don't hurt rite... hehe.....
hopefully i'll be able to scrap through with my limited luck lar....

well, abt my new blog:
1) new menu tabs (u'll notice some yellow tiny notes juz below de header)
i'll upload some links which i think is interesting.. most of them may be YouTube links as i am a crazy YouTube fan.. haha... enjoy...

2) myTop5songs
dat'll be de recent songs im crazy-ing about or play-ing on and on in my player

3) myBooklist
books i've bought!! or mayb read... i'll provide the price n place where i bought it as well... hopefully someone who likes to read will find this useful... =)

well, guess dat's all frm me, for now.....
i'll try to update AOAP (as often as possible) lar.. hahaha...

in the meantime... peace out............................
n dun study too hard, coz i hvnt started yet... =P



Sunday, October 18, 2009

to be or not to be...

休息了整个周末, 前天就连续睡了14++个小时。。 真的觉得自己很厉害。。 哈哈。。
不过, 因为前几天为了赶功课所以不够睡。。 就当作是弥补吧。。 嘻嘻。。

不知不觉, 考试就快到了。。
太快了吧, 总觉得还没定下来, 就已经是一个sem完了。。
问问自己, 这段时间做了些什么, 自己的梦想还在吗。。
答案: 没做了什么, 梦想还在, 只是没有跨进而已。。

想要学吉他的, 却因为一些原因搞得一拖再拖。。 咳。。。。。
想练琴的, 却把忙和懒惰当作借口。。

读书更不用说了, 还是一样最后一分钟读。。

该改变了。。 不断重复告诉自己, 可是还是败给了贪玩。。
该改变了。。 不该继续幼稚下去, 可是这, 就是我。。

性格、 心情我都不能控制。。 真的能改变吗?

to be or not to be...
reali.. to be or not to be...

我还是我, 除了搞笑, 我已没什么优点了。。
仅仅留下的优点, 我选择保留了。。

你不会看见我再继续为你难过。。 我该想通了。。